Ways to Celebrate International Happiness Day

What is World Happiness Day? 

The International Day of Happiness was first recognized in 2013 by the UN General Assembly. It’s simply a day to be happy. Instead of another day striving to make a bigger paycheck or reach your next promotional goal, World Happiness Day causes us to pause and see the beauty all around us.  

People now celebrate the holiday globally on March 20, creating little pockets of happiness all around the world.

What is happiness to you?  

Maybe you find happiness in being with your family, worshiping your Creator, trying a new recipe, or going for a walk in nature.  

As an experienced life mentor, we at Meru Mentor believe understanding what makes you happy is helpful as we navigate a world that has generally moved away from being happy as a whole.

Why Celebrate World Happiness Day?  

While happiness will not fulfill us in the end, any reason to spread happiness is an opportunity worth taking. Especially if you — like Meru, founder of Meru Mentor — are a believer in Christ, we have the responsibility to be salt and light in a broken world.  

Happiness is fleeting, but we do have the ability to find joy and choose joy even when it may not make sense to us. We can create happy moments that plant seeds of hope for others by making them feel seen through kind gestures and being intentional with our time and resources.  

World Happiness Day is worth celebrating because we can change the course of someone’s day (or possibly, even their life) by choosing to be happy even when our circumstances may indicate that we should not be.

How to Celebrate International Happiness Day 

There are many ways you can celebrate International Happiness Day. Here are a few ideas and bring small moments of happiness into your home and workplace.  

How to Celebrate International Happiness in Your Home: 

  • Play a new game with your family 
  • Have an ice cream sundae and movie night  
  • Write a kind note  
  • Do someone else’s chore responsibilities 
  • Bring home flowers 
  • Say, “I love you”  

How to Celebrate International Happiness in Your Workplace:  

  • Ask a coworker how you can help them with their workload 
  • Bring in a treat to share 
  • Write kind messages on sticky notes 
  • Smile 
  • Offer to grab coffee for someone

Uncover Happiness in Your Own Life with Meru Mentor  

At the end of the day we could all benefit from choosing happiness more often. It’s a choice to not be weighed down by the challenges of this world, but when we give ourselves space to see the beauty of our own lives, we’ll begin to realize there are actually many reasons to be happy in the day-to-day moments.  

If you’re looking for a change or need guidance with your next step forward in life, get in touch today for a complimentary call. As your personal mentor, Meru Mentor can help you find balance and achieve success in your self-improvement journey.

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